​The Faculty of the Asia-Pacific Mayors Academy will draw upon expertise available in the region, including from: the United Nations system, academic institutions, development banks, network partners, current and former mayors in the region, and urban planners and practitioners.
Members of the Faculty will be appointed by the Advisory Board. They should be proposed by at least one member of the Advisory Board and endorsed at least by five more members. Each permanent member of the Advisory Board has a permanent representative in the Faculty.
ESCAP and UN-Habitat as Secretariat
Developed in conjunction with Academy partners, the Academy curriculum comprises session objectives, peer-reviewed course materials, expert presentations, innovative training modules developed by partners, feedback sessions, and post-course follow up.
The curriculum is informed and refined from mayor feedback throughout the Academy sessions. Before commencing the Academy, a Needs Assessment survey will be sent in advance to identify specific priorities which mayors will address in their respective cities, so that materials and resources from the Academy's Faculty and technical partners can be brought to the curriculum in support of mayors.
Modules in 2023
Module 1. Cities 2030 – Leadership in planning, managing, and financing sustainable urban development
Module 2. COVID-19 Response and Recovery: Roles and Actions of Local Governments
Module 3. How to Plan Sustainable development pathways? Urban and Territorial Planning, including the role of the SDGs and Voluntary Local Reviews
Modules in 2023
Module 4. How to build urban resilience?
Module 5. How to create smart and inclusive cities?
Module 6. How to finance sustainable urban development?